The name of this town is given by its location in a valley formerly called “La Nava de las Hermosas”. It is located at 49 Kmts. of Toledo, at an altitude of 750 meters, and occupies an extension of 130 km2. Its population updated in the last census is 2155 inhabitants.

What to see in NAVAHERMOSA:

  • Town Hall
  • Two sisters Castle
  • Hermitage of Our Lady of the Miracle (La Milagra)
  • Hermitage of San Sebastián
  • Church of St. Michael the Archangel
  • The Cross of Doña Juana

Main festivals:

  • San Antón: On January 17th, bonfires are lit on the street.
  • Pilgrimage of the Milagra: on the third Sunday of May there is a parade of floats and procession to the Hermitage in the morning. In the afternoon the procession is to the parish. The festivity lasts for seven days, and is celebrated a course of olive pruning with axe, verbenas, theatrical performances, sporting competitions, coronation of the greater pilgrimage and bridesmaids, etc.
  • Corpus Christi: Custody of the 17th century procession through the streets decorated with altars and carpets of thyme and flowers. Variable date between May and June.
  • Night of St. John. In June, the young people of the locality throw to the girls what is known as the “Enramá”, which consists of placing a branch or flower in the door of the girl who want to woo. Traditional bonfire jumps are also celebrated.
  • San Bartolomé. On August 24th the patron’s festivity is celebrated, with a duration of nine days. These days there are different sports competitions, dances, fireworks, bullfights, etc.
  • Multi-sector Fair. In recent years, with a variable date, it has entrenched the celebration of a multi-sector fair in which the companies in the area expose their products.
Casa Rural, Navahermosa